Cyber Alert: Never Trust a Thumb Drive

Cyber Alert: Never Trust a Thumb Drive addresses the recent scams and offers GBS cybersecurity best practices relating to thumb drive usage. Content and video courtesy of GBS cybersecurity partner, Arctic Wolf. GBS Recommendation: Never Use a Thumb Drive That Has Not Been Verified SCAM NEWS: The FBI recently reported that a thumb drive scam […]
Disaster Recovery – Your Head Should be “In-The-Cloud”

Disaster Recovery – Your Head Should be “In-the-Cloud” introduces cloud-based solutions to restore mission-critical data. This article details the 7 Reasons and advantages your organization gains with a cloud backup and disaster recovery solution. Global Business Solutions, Inc. and Zimcom, our cloud-based service partner have jointly developed a cost-effective, time saving solution that protects your […]
CyberSecurity Emergency Communication – Immediate Action Recommended

Late last week it was reported that a particularly potent, “wormable” vulnerability exists within Windows Server. This affects all Windows Server versions that have DNS enabled.
Multi-Layered Measures to Managed Security

As a leader in Managed Security Services and Managed IT Services, GBS will bring to bear the highest level of experience, knowledge, discipline and preventive measures to make your organization as secure as possible.